
Starbucks Cardamom Latte

Today was cool enough to have a hot latte, so I decided to try the Cardamom Latte from Starbucks. It tasted okay and not so sweet with only 1 shot instead of the standard 2 in a grande size. If you like chai tea, you’ll probably enjoy this latte. But if you’re into the sweeter options on the menu, this one may be too tame for you πŸ˜‰

Bon Appetite Everyone!! 😊

Starbucks Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte

It’s still too early and hot for me to even contemplate having the warmer version of the beloved PSL. And I’ve had the frapp version, though good, the taste was too strong for me. Which is why I decided to try the iced latte version and it did. not. disappoint!! SOOO much better then the frapp to me, and I love frapps most of the time. So until the weather gets cooler, I’ll stick to the iced version.

Cheers Everyone!! πŸ™‚

Starbucks Triple Mocha Frappuccino

Last month we saw this frapp featured at Starbucks. Since we’re fans of the original Mocha Frappuccino, we thought we’d give this a try and indulge in the triple goodness!! It didn’t disappoint, and we enjoyed it. But I will admit, I was expecting a bit more mocha. Now, if you’re already a fan of the Mocha Frappuccino, you’ll enjoy this one too, and I recommend you give it a try.

Cheers Everyone!! πŸ™‚

Mcdonald’s Mccafe Caramel Chocolate Coffee Iced FrappΓ©

When we saw a commercial for this frappe, it sounded super yummy, so we gave it a try a while back. If McDonald’s decides to keep it around permanently, it’ll be my new favourite!! Caramel and chocolate are another combo that just goes together perfectly. Now I won’t lie…it’s quite sweet!! So it’s definitely a treat. If caramel and chocolate are your favourite combo, try one before it disappears.

Cheers Everyone!! πŸ™‚

Starbucks Zombie Frappuccino

Full disclosure, I have not tried this Instagram-worthy concoction. After reading the review below, I was contemplating it, but so far people I know haven’t liked it. One friend even said ‘I’ve heard it tastes like regret lol’…LOL . So, as cool as this frapp looks, I’ll be passing on it. But, take a read of the review below, and decide for yourselves. If you’re a big fan of SUPER sweet green apple flavour, then this may interest you!! It’s available until November 1st.
Zombie Frappuccino Review

Cheers Everyone!! πŸ™‚ 

Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte and Whipped Cream

Because why not go all the way and have everything pumpkin spice LOL I actually got the flavoured whipped cream, as it was free that day. Otherwise I could take it or leave it. But for those of you who love pumpkin spice everything, here’s another one to try!!

Cheers Everyone πŸ™‚ 

Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew

Tried this nitrogen infused cold brew today. We first taste tested a shot to see if we’d like it, and it’s smooth enough to drink black. We opted to try it with a splash of cream, and there’s also the option to add sweet cream to it, if you prefer. We liked the taste and will definitely have it again, but only certain locations are offering it. For us, it was the location down by the QEW and Hurontario in Mississauga. You can look up other locations in the GTA by checking out the website.

Cheers Everyone!! πŸ™‚

Starbucks Midnight Mint Mocha Frappuccino

So I didn’t get the chance to try out the Unicorn Lemonade from Starbucks a couple weeks ago…boo. But when I heard about the Midnight Mint Mocha, I knew I wasn’t going to miss this one!! Mint + chocolate is a magical combination, and this frapp hit it out of the park. I will definitely get another one next week during their 1/2 price frapps happy hour. Really hope they add it to their permanent menu, since to me, this is WAY better then the Java Chip Frapp. If you love mint and chocolates, then be sure to give this one a try, before it disappears – like the elusive unicorn…

Cheers Everyone!! πŸ™‚

Starbucks Cascara Latte

When the Cascara Latte first came out, I was intrigued by the description…’subtle notes of dark brown sugar and luscious maple’. So we gave it a try. It wasn’t bad and they weren’t kidding when they used the descriptor ‘subtle’. Which was fine, because I don’t like super sugary lattes more then a couple times a year. The syrup they use is made from the dried fruit of the cherry, whose seeds become the coffee beans we know and love. I may try it again sometime, but I wouldn’t say it’ll be my go-to latte. The flat white still holds that spot for now!!

Cheers Everyone πŸ™‚