Archive | August 2018

Chocxo Organic Almond Butter Cups

Saw these at Costco tonight and we thought we’d give them a try. First I’ll say they were pretty good and we enjoyed the taste of the almond butter. It’s nowhere near as sweet as a Reese’s PB Cup, which is nice! Our son even put his stamp of approval on it 🙂 But I must say, I personally like milk chocolate for this particular treat. Which is not to say that I don’t like darker chocolate, because I do! We’ll continue to enjoy these chocolatey goodies for sure though and even buy them again.

Bon Appetite Everyone!! 🙂

Starbucks Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte

It’s still too early and hot for me to even contemplate having the warmer version of the beloved PSL. And I’ve had the frapp version, though good, the taste was too strong for me. Which is why I decided to try the iced latte version and it did. not. disappoint!! SOOO much better then the frapp to me, and I love frapps most of the time. So until the weather gets cooler, I’ll stick to the iced version.

Cheers Everyone!! 🙂